Robert De Lange

Senior QC Expert (Bioassay)
Robert has been working since 2004 in the field of Bioassays at the Roche?Penzberg site in Germany. Following a PostDoc position within Pharma development, at which he developed high titer manufacturing cell clones, Robert was offered the unique opportunity to build up the first QC bioassay laboratory for commercial potency release testing at Roche Pharma Penzberg. After heading the continuously growing QC bioassay laboratory for more than 10 years, Robert moved to a global position within Analytical Science, supporting the internal bioassay Network as the SME for numerous potency release methods. Furthermore, Robert is leading the Roche bioassay analytical technology center (ATC) and he is co-author of the Roche global OOS/OOE-SOP providing expertise to all bioassay-specific aspects.